Final Report

Final Report Guidelines for All Grants

Organizations must submit a final report at the completion of the program or project for which you received funding. This is required before a new application for funding will be considered.

If your organization received funding after May of 2023, the final reports will be completed in the application portal.  If your organization received its most recent funding before May 2023, outstanding final reports should be emailed to: .

Follow the format below only if your organization received its most recent funding before May 2023.

Please use your organization’s letterhead to answer the following questions in no more than one page (exclusive of your budget report). In the upper right hand corner, state your organization, the title of the program for which you received funding, the grant amount you received, the date of your grant award, and the date of your final report. Please repeat each question using bold type, and use a 12 font size or greater for your narrative answers.

Follow this budget sample final report showing all income and expenses associated with your original grant request. This budget sample is meant as a guideline; you may use your own budget categories.  You must include where you allocated NewAlliance Foundation grant funds and what other funders supported your work.

Completed Final Reports should be emailed to:

For General Operating Requests & Program or Project Requests:

Remember to answer questions 1-4 in one page. Number 5 is included as a separate page behind your narrative answers.

  1. Did your organization succeed in addressing the need in the community noted in your original application? Describe how your target population and/or community is better off as a result of your work. If applicable, note the impact of Covid in your answer.
  2. How many people did you serve? Explain if this fell short, met or exceeded your goal and why.
  3. State what you learned from the methods you used to determine your success? What would you do differently next time?
  4. Share a short anecdotal story in one paragraph illustrating the impact of your organization’s work.
  5. Please attach separately, an itemized income and expense summary showing specific sources of income and a breakdown of grant expenditures.

For Sponsorship Requests:

Remember to answer questions 1-4 in one page. Number 5 is included as a separate page behind your narrative answers.

  1. Did you meet your fund raising goal? Describe both your successes and challenges you encountered in executing your fund raising event. If applicable, note the impact of Covid in your answer.
  2. State what you learned from the methods you used to determine your success of your event? What would you do differently next time?
  3. What, besides raising operating funds, did your organization gain from this event?
  4. Share a short anecdotal story in one paragraph that illustrates why this event is important to your organization.
  5. Please attach separately, an itemized income and expense summary showing specific sources of income and a breakdown of grant expenditures.

For Capital Requests:

Remember to answer questions 1-3 in one page. Number 4 is included as a separate page behind your narrative answers.

  1. Describe the current state of your capital project. If complete, give a brief synopsis of the project as a whole, if not yet complete, give an account of progress so far.
  2. Have you met your fund raising goal? Describe the successes and challenges you experienced raising funds for this project. If applicable, note the impact of Covid in your answer.
  3. Describe how this capital project has impacted your organization. What have you learned?
  4. Please attach separately, an income and expense summary showing specific sources of income and a breakdown of grant expenditures. Itemize major funding sources such as large corporate, foundation and individual donors and include federal, state or municipal contributors.