We encourage eligible organizations to apply for NewAlliance Foundation support which primarily serve residents in one or more of the 42 communities we serve and which are tax exempt under IRS code section 501(c)3. (Note: State agencies, quasi-state agencies, departments or commissions are not eligible to apply).
- Applicants must be 501(c)3 non-profits as designated by the Internal Revenue Service.
- We limit organizations to one grant application per calendar year, based on the year in which our March and September board meetings meet. The March board meeting application deadline is December 1st of the previous year, so if you are confused by this, please contact us. You may choose one request from the following options: general operating support, program/project support, a capital grant, or a sponsorship grant.
- We will consider funding up to 10% of an organization’s annual operating budget or $25,000 maximum. The percentage is based on an organization’s total cash income for the last completed fiscal year. It does not include the assigned value of in-kind contributions.
- We will consider funding up to 40% of budget expenses for the program or project for which support is sought; therefore support from other funding partners is required. The “10% grant guideline” remains in effect, regardless of program or project size.
- We do not consider applications from fiduciary or fiscal agents acting on behalf of organizations who do not have IRS confirmed non-profit status. Exceptions will be made only in the case the fiduciary is a community foundation.
- We do not fund the start-up of new programs in our service area by organizations located outside our service area. If you are a national organization or if you serve statewide in Connecticut, you must have a fully operating program in our service area for at least one year, before you are eligible to apply. Fifty percent or more of the people you serve must live in a community we serve.
- We do not fund programs located outside our service area that require those in the towns we serve to travel outside our service area to take advantage of programs or services.
It is always best to call us if you have a question about the eligibility of your organization or program.
If you have previously received a grant from the Foundation, you must submit a final report before a new grant will be considered.